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- Photography Class
Photography Class
Each week we’ll explore various aspects of photography and visual composition on photo walks as we learn to shoot interesting pictures. The emphasis of class is on the photograph, “seeing”, and photo activities rather than technical aspects of the camera. We’ll occasionally download photos to the computer to review them and use basic photo software to edit the images pending software availability.
Students need to bring a digital camera, an empty memory card, and fresh batteries. If possible, students should also bring a memory stick (flash drive) to class to store their photo projects. Our photo walks are often off campus within a few blocks of CCMS, so permission slips will be sent home to be signed and returned to CCMS by the 3rd class. Note: Students may use a cell phone camera only if they can download the photos to a shared Google or Dropbox folder.
Depending on Covid risk factors reviewing photos may be done via Zoom, and classes may be moved to Virtual.
Day and Time: Wednesdays 1:45 - 3:45 (2 hours)
Location: Computer Room
Instructor: Nancy Kaye