The speech team will be opening up 10 - 15 new spots for students interested in joining the team this Spring. Students will be able to train and compete in tournaments in acting, speech, and debate events.
Practices are after school every Thursday from 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm.
For interested students, audition materials can be picked up in
Room 217 on Thursday, January 9th, 16th, or 23rd between 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm.
Auditions are due on Friday, January 24th.
Monday, January 13th from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 301 217 2666
Questions: Gina Polesetsky, Speech Coach, [email protected]
Practices are after school every Thursday from 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm.
For interested students, audition materials can be picked up in
Room 217 on Thursday, January 9th, 16th, or 23rd between 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm.
Auditions are due on Friday, January 24th.
Monday, January 13th from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 301 217 2666
Questions: Gina Polesetsky, Speech Coach, [email protected]
Join the new speech team at Culver City Middle School! This is a year-long afterschool program that will meet once a week on Thursdays from 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm at CCMS and compete in 3 - 6 tournaments during the school year. This activity requires that students dedicate themselves to practices, attending as many of the tournaments as they can, and working on their own to memorize and practice their pieces.
Tournaments take place on weekends and allow the students an opportunity to present their work and compete with other middle school students. All student members will also be a part of an honors society associated with participation in speech and debate through the National Speech & Debate Association
This activity is open to 6th - 8th graders and allows our students an opportunity to compete in a variety of events that are designed to engage them in communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Speech programs are not common at middle schools in our area, outside of private schools and a few charter schools, and this team will ensure that our students are afforded every opportunity to grow and have fun in this academic sport. CCHS does have a high school team that students can advance to when they complete 8th grade.
Students can compete in multiple events at scrimmages and tournaments. The 16 events students will be able to compete in are:
- Cold Reading: Performing a script that is provided onsite with one minute to prepare before performance.
- Declamation: Delivering a public speech that is up to 10 minutes in length.
- Dramatic Interpretation: Performing a selection up to 10 minutes in length of a dramatic play, short story, or other work.
- Duo Interpretation: A memorized performance up to 10 minutes in length performed in a pair with two students.
- Extemp: Speaking in a limited-prep event in which students receive a topic in the area of domestic news, international news, sports news, pop culture, economy, technology, and science, and have 30 minutes to prepare a speech up to 7 minutes in length.
- Impromptu: Students draw a topic and have 7 minutes to brainstorm, outline, and deliver a speech with a intro, body, & conclusion.
- Original Oratory: Students deliver a self-written speech on a topic of their choice that is up to 10 minutes in length.
- Humorous Interpretation: Performing a selection up to 10 minutes in length of a humorous play, short story, or other work.
- Informative Speaking: Performance of an original, factual speech to inform about a topic of the speaker's choice with optional audio-visual aids. This speech is memorized and up to 10 minutes in length.
- Poetry Interpretation: Performance up to 7 minutes in length of poetry of literary merit.
- Prose Interpretation: Performance of a single prose material (e.g. short stories, novellas, novels, articles, essays, etc.) of literary merit up to 7 minutes in length.
- Sightreading: Performing a short story, essay, or article that is provided onsite with one minute to prepare before performance.
- SPAR Debate: Judged on the basis of overall presentation, wit, persuasion and quality argument construction, SPAR is a single-competitor brief form of debate that includes opening statements, crossfire, and rebuttals.
- Speech to Entertain: An original humorous speech up to 10 minutes in length that is memorized and can contain optional audio-visual aids.
- Storytelling: Students select a published story that meets a specific theme and perform the story for up to 5 minutes.
- Tall Tales: Students are provided 3 words and have 6 minutes to prepare and deliver a "Tall Tale" that incorporates all three words.
If interested in joining, please email: [email protected]
and include your name, phone number, your child's first and last name, and grade.
and include your name, phone number, your child's first and last name, and grade.
$275/semester + $20/per event/per tournament attended. Scholarships will be available for students who want to participate, but are unable to pay fees. SCHOLARSHIP LINK: WHEN: Thursdays, 2:45 - 4:45pm After School / Compete in 3-6 Tournaments. WHERE: CCMS Rooms 217, 218 & 222 WHO: Open to 6th, 7th & 8th Graders QUESTIONS? Contact Coach Gina Polesetsky [email protected] |
Spring ‘25 Practice Dates (2:45 pm - 4:45 pm):
- January 30
- February 6, 13, 20 & 27
- March 13 & 20
- April 10, 17 & 24
- May 1, 8 & 15
- Saturday, May 31st (2:00 pm - 4:00 pm)

Expenses for the Speech Team are being generously subsidized by the Culver City Education Foundation (CCEF).