Yoga for Teens and Athletes
Connect body, breath, and mind with this dynamic practice. This practice builds strength and flexibility in the body and calms the mind. Class includes sun salutations, held poses, inversions, deep stretching and some use of props to facilitate proper anatomical alignment and adapt for injury/limitations.
Yoga Mats will be provided
Highly recommended for athletes and dancers.
No previous yoga experience necessary
Class Length: 13 weeks
Day and Time: TUESDAYS 2:45 -3:45
Room: TBD
Instructor: Zooga Yoga
Chess Club - Tuesdays
The after-school chess club is for beginner, intermediate, and advanced chess players who would like to improve their game or just have fun. Students who have never played will learn the rules to begin playing on day one. After that we will explore different openings and tactics students can use to improve their middle and end games. Each class will begin with a short lesson followed by time for students to play other club members. If you’ve never played chess before or if you’re a seasoned player, the after-school chess club has something for everyone and is a fun place to meet up with other students who share an interest in the game.
Price includes a $5 materials fee for the duration of the class.
Day and Time: Tuesdays 2:45 - 3:45pm
Location: Room 133
Instructor: Dan Grime